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completed & approved

CMAA Projects

Name Contact Email State Project Topic Project Synopsis Approval Date Reviewer Name
Cathy Schick Washington Remote Coaching with technology Coaching remotely and utilizing technology to connect with athletes 5/20/2020 Tol Gropp
Catherine Ong International Home stay tournaments for International schools All of the necessary check points for international director to consider as they act as the Host and provide home stays for other schools 5/28/2020 Pete Shambo
Dave Hack East Aurora NY Recognition of Athletic History A strategic plan for a multi year phased in program to celebrate the rich Athletic History of a school including a Hall of fame, Championships and State titles 5/28/2020 Pete Shambo
David Horner International School of Belgrade Athletic Guide Job description change required extensive revisions and additions to the Athletic Guide in order to reflect philosophical and leadership changes to the school. 5/11/2020 Sheri Stice
Brad Alford North Carolina Fundraising Establishment of an endowment fund through the creation of a golf tournament and ultimate golf scholarships for student athletes in North Carolina. Significant detail of use of Smart Select evaluation tool for scholarship applicants and assessment / evaluation of marketing trends once established. 6/25/2020 Sheri Stice
Sim Cook Kobe, Japan Positive coaching Positive sports coaching in athletics is an evidence supported way of coaching tams and individuals based on the science of positive psychology. This project looks at how we can effectively coach using the science of optimism, positive feedback and process praise 1/16/2020 Ed Lockwood
Kenneth Edwards Virginia Thank a Ref Nights Developing a way to honor game officials and referees 4/25/2020 Ed Lockwood
Darren McCauley Virginia Social Media Guidelines Gathering research about social media guidelines for student athletes. Using data to develop guidelines for athletic departments, getting school district approval and implementing guidelines. 4/30/2020 Ed Lockwood
Andy Owen Indiana Grade level teams in Middle school athletics Developing a program that offers athletic opportunities for students in grades 6, 7, and 8. 5/14/2020 Ed Lockwood
Drew Betts Massachusetts Technology advancement of Salem Academy Project is designed to give students, athletes, and families an opportunity to watch live video of games or after the game concludes. 5/22/2020 Ed Lockwood
Matt Cox Tennessee Connecting While Distancing Community engagement through the use of social media 7/14/2020 Joey Struwe
Lisa Gingras *1000 New Hampshire Rebirth of Athletics Hall of Fame Complete process to resurrect a previous Hall of Fame from the ashes. This includes networking with previous HOF organizers to promote the rebirth 6/18/2020 Pete Shambo
Chris Ceruti New York Virtual Athletic Awards Ceremony A good example of what is included in a virtual Athletic Ceremony which includes a celebration of all sports programs using multi media. 9/25/2020 Pete Shambo
Matt Davis North Carolina Rebranding of A high School Athletics program A complete process of rebranding a High School Athletic program and the process for doing so. 8/1/2020 Pete Shambo
Anthony Robinson Georgia Sportsmanship Program Development of a Middle School athletic Department Handbook 5/1/2020 Pete Shambo
Ben Truman Indiana Athlete Academics Success program This project lays out the process for developing and growing an Academic support program for Athletes after school. 8/24/2020 Pete Shambo
Marcus Williams Arizona Student Leadership Implementation of a Student Leadership Program across District high schools. 4/16/2020 Joe Paddock
Toby Bryant South Dakota Interscholastic Sports in Conjunction with Club Sports Attempt to bridge the gap between middle school and high school sports creating an opportunity to be a liaison for all sports. 5/19/2020 Joe Paddock
Brittany Spencer Grant Wisconsin Student recognition Goal is to create consistency with recognition equally across all sports during seasons and from year to year. 5/21/2020 Joe Paddock
Sharon Leung Hong Kong Student Athlete Leadership Training Designed to give student athletes a set of tools to become positive, successful sports leaders/captains. Uses 3 modules. 7/22/2020 Joe Paddock
Lyle Fedders Iowa Student Athlete Incentive Program Designed to increase student attendance at school, reduce discipline and increase academic achievement 11/19/2020 Jon Payne
John Powell International Distance Learning Athletics Directing athletics and developing connections via remote contact 5/15/2021 Joey Struwe