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Awards & Recognition

awards & recognition

There’s much to celebrate!

The NIAAA loves to recognize exceptional athletic administrators, student-athletes and athletic programs each year.



The NIAAA is proud to present the following annual awards to esteemed athletic administrators and members:

Award of Merit

Selected by the NIAAA Board of Directors, this is the NIAAA's highest individual award and is presented to an individual in recognition of outstanding leadership and personal commitment to the values of interscholastic athletics.

Thomas E. Frederick Award of Excellence

Selected by the NIAAA Board of Directors, this award is presented to an NIAAA member who has provided strong leadership to education-based athletics, loyalty to the association and contributions to the profession of athletic administration. It is named for the late Thomas Frederick who served as an assistant director of the NFHS until 1989.

Frank Kovaleski Professional Development Award

Selected by the NIAAA Board of Directors from among the eight section nominees each year, this award is presented to an NIAAA member who has made significant contributions and demonstrated excellence in professional development at the local, state and national levels.


Hall of Fame

Selected through a four-step process, the NIAAA Hall of Fame was created to honor retired athletic administrators who had exemplary careers in athletic administration, both prior to and after the formation of the NIAAA.


Bruce D. Whitehead Distinguished Service Award

Selected by the NIAAA Board of Directors, this award is presented to NIAAA members in recognition of their length of service, special accomplishments and contributions to interscholastic athletics at the local, state and national levels.


NFHS Citation

NFHS Citations are awarded to individuals whose contributions have impacted high school activity programs through their association with one of the following groups of professionals: state associations and NFHS staff, athletic directors, coaches, officials, music adjudicators and directors, and speech, debate and theatre directors.


State Award of Merit

This award may be presented annually by each state to an NIAAA member who demonstrates outstanding leadership and meritorious service and achievement in interscholastic athletic administration. Selections and presentations are made by each state athletic administrator association, and the award is provided by the NIAAA.



Award Recipients

Check out the NIAAA’s Wall of Fame to see all NIAAA award recipients, past and present.

Years of Service

Recognizing Years of Service

The NIAAA provides three opportunities for states to recognize athletic administrators who have served a minimum of 15 years:



Quality Program Assessment

Through the NIAAA Quality Program Assessment (QPA), high school athletic administrators can assess the current status of their athletic program and be recognized as an outstanding athletic program.




Student-Athlete Scholarships

The annual NIAAA Student-Athlete Scholarships recognize the distinguished scholastic, leadership and sportsmanship attributes of high school student-athletes and the importance of high school athletics in each student’s life. Watch our 2024 scholarship presentation here! 


Effective September 1, 2024 and going forward, the application will be handled through the NIAAA FinalForms award platform. All NIAAA members working in a school setting will have access to nominate eligible student athletes from their school. On your member page of FinalForms, you will see an awards tab that will lead to this application. We encourage you to share this process with your school building counselor for seniors, and our hope is they will load this process into their school system for potential scholarship opportunities.  If you need help with the application, click here.

If you're a state leader, you can download the scholarship application here.

Scholarship Minimum Requirements

  • Applicant must be a senior in high school
  • Applicant must have achieved at least one of the following: (a) minimum of B+ average; (b) ranked in the top 25% of class; (c) ACT score of 24 or an SAT score of 1100 (Math and Reading)
  • Applicant must have participated in two sports for at least two years in each sport
  • Applicant must have earned at least one varsity letter in each of the two sports
  • Applicant must complete scholar/essay application 
  • Applicant must have a letter of recommendation from the high school athletic administrator/director
  • Athletic administrator/director must be an NIAAA member and a member of their respective state athletic administrator association
  • The principal or athletic administrator/director must sign the application to ensure that the academic information submitted is accurate
  • All hard copy materials must be postmarked or electronic materials sent to the NIAAA Liaison in your respective state by your state’s deadline

Scholarship Timeline

  • Applications postmarked to NIAAA Liaison in respective state by the state’s deadline
  • Each state must select a male and female winner prior to its NIAAA Section meeting
  • April–June: Each section selects its male and female winner
  • July: NIAAA Board selects the male and female national winner
  • August: National winners notified by NIAAA office
  • December: National winners and their parents are invited to attend the National Conference to be recognized and present their essay

Application deadline and NIAAA Liaison contact information

See table below for your state's application deadline and NIAAA Liaison contact information.

Scholarship awards

  • State winners: One male and one female will each receive a plaque recognizing them as state winners.
  • Section winners: One male and one female in each of the eight NIAAA sections will each receive a $1,500 scholarship and a plaque recognizing them as section winners.
  • National winners: One male and one female selected from the eight NIAAA section winners will each receive a $2,500 scholarship and a glass etching recognizing them as national winners in addition to being invited to attend the National Conference to be recognized and present their essay.

Certificate of Recognition

States are encouraged to recognize each student who applies by presenting them with this Certificate of Recognition.


View national scholarship winners

Check out the NIAAA’s Wall of Fame to see all national Student-Athlete Scholarship winners, past and present.

Student-Athlete Scholarships

application deadlines

Please confirm the application deadline with your state association. The accuracy of dates listed below is not guaranteed.

State Application Deadline NIAAA Liaison Email
Alabama February 28 Albert Weeden, CMAA
Alaska February 28 Sandi Wagner, CAA
Arizona February 28 Missy Townsend, CMAA
Arkansas February 28 Norman Mitchell, Billy Tipps
California February 28 Jean Ashen, CMAA
Colorado February 28 Mike Hughes, CMAA
Connecticut February 2 Trish Witkin, CMAA
D.C. February 28 Richard Bettencourt, RAA
Delaware January 30 Rick Shea, CAA
Florida May 1 Andy Chiles, CMAA
Georgia February 28 Nate Turner
Hawaii February 28 Michael Ban, CAA
Idaho January 31 Shelly Heath, CAA
Illinois February 28 Matt Hensley, CMAA
Indiana January 10 Bruce Whitehead, CMAA
Iowa January 13 Scott Garvis, CMAA
Kansas January 15 Marc Haught, CAA
Kentucky February 28 Matt Bell, CAA
Louisiana February 28 James Simmons, CAA
Maine February 28 Gerry Durgin, CMAA
Maryland February 22 Carol Satterwhite, CAA
Massachusetts February 10 Ann Trytko, CAA
Michigan February 1 Michael Evoy, CAA
Minnesota February 10 Brad O'Donnell, CMAA
Mississippi March 28 Tim Shramek
Missouri February 28 Robert Ndessokia
Montana February 28 Mike Schmidt, CMAA
Nebraska February 25 Mark Armstrong, CMAA
Nevada February 1 Jason Odegard, CAA
New Hampshire January 31 Carol Dozibrin, CAA
New Jersey February 28 David Suiter, CMAA
New Mexico March 15 Larry Waters, CMAA
New York November 20 Dennis Fries, CMAA
North Carolina February 28 Deran Coe, CMAA
North Dakota February 28 Lorell Jungling, CMAA
Ohio February 1 Bill Schumacher, CMAA
Oklahoma February 28 Jason Culler, CMAA
Oregon February 25 Tim Sam, CMAA
Pennsylvania October 31 Holly Farnese, CAA
Rhode Island February 1 Allen Huestis, CAA
South Carolina April 10 Joe Quigley, CAA
South Dakota February 28 Bill Clements, CAA
Tennessee February 28 Cameron Hill, CMAA
Texas February 28 Brenda Marshall, CMAA
Utah January 31 Jamie Sheetz, CMAA
Vermont October 15 Geri-Lynn Witalec, CAA
Virginia March 1 Bob Stratton, CAA
Washington February 28 Erik Titus, CAA
West Virginia February 28 Harold Erwin, CMAA
Wisconsin April 1 Jeff Sitz, CMAA
Wyoming February 28 Cliff Hill, CAA
International Regions
Africa March 15 David Goetz, CIAA
Central America March 15 Juan Santamaria, CMAA
China/Japan March 15 Todd Parham, CMAA
Europe March 15 Nick DeForest, CMAA
Middle East March 15 Mark Buschini, CIAA
South America March 15 Claudia Araya, CAA
Southeast Asia March 15 Chris Mott, CMAA

Next step: Learn about ways to get involved

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